The normal ones

Spotting the normal ones is not easy but you can train your senses to be ready.

He is the one who held the door for you as you passed him on your way to powder your nose.

He is the one not staring at the waitress with the low top.

He is the one who looked hopefully for a rescue, as his whisky drinking friend went into a depressing monologue about his latest book / play script. / money troubles / receding hair line……………

He is the one who noticed you made an effort for the after work drinks.

He is the one working on his healthy brownie points, eating a salad Niscoise or ordering sushi. Healthy brownie points should always be awarded. Reward him for the acts of sacrifice. He is doing it for you!

If you see good behaviour, reward it, or it will stop!

The normal guy that you want to meet is there not far away, he is the one drinking water in between his white wine and waiting for the Ceaser Salad.

Go grab him!


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