What Women should know? Group behavior

Judge a guy by his friends. This is something that you need to trust me on, it is true!

Take a random public social occasion, discretely observe his friends. Really………..try, approach one of them. The good thing is that you can get a deeper insight, they will not try to impress you, they have nothing to gain.

You will not know find out from going to Mr. cool, direct because, of course he will try to impress you. He has covered his true colours well. His shoes are clean and his style is on the cool side. But if you can put a little of your detective work, to good use within the inner circle, you could fast forward and see into your future!

When you check out the style of his friends you will see his ‘heritage’ and his ‘inner style’. You will expose him back to the ‘default state’, like a new computer before you have installed your ‘key programs’, it will revert back to a state of ‘life before style.com’ or ‘GQ!’

Hmmmmm what do you see, Jeans a bit too tight?? A little too short?? Shirts a little too worn?? Or too ‘worklike’?? T shirts with stupid slogans. Or tour dates of the rugby club!!!!

Take a good look, there is valuable intelligence here.

Be observant, notice everything, and write it down for later analysis.

How do they act, because this is what will happen if you press his ‘reset button’. The ‘default position’ in his actions will be the same as you see from this group. His ‘True friends’.

Take a situation from the ‘TdH’ “Summer lessons”, he controlled his drinking with a little water in-between drinks, right? .But did his friends follow the program or did they revert to their typecast? Hmmmm, what did you see?

Another situation, at first meeting he looked shy and bashful, almost cute! But suddenly, back in his natural habitat, with his “True Friends” , his ‘buddies’, did he ………..growl to the beat of ridiculous group drinking games?

Did he not know the Capital of Guatemala- (Useful if you fancy that trip touring South America!)

Did he not get one question right in the ‘Junior Trivial Pursuit?’

And wait for it, this one is important………………did he ‘snort’ like a farm animal when he suddenly became a little over excited?

Watch out ladies, read the signs!!


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