3 Days after TdF’s Launch

Dear all,
Monday 8th March, International Women’s day 2010, marked several key achievements for ‘Tonalités de Femmes’, we saw the launch of the website in combination with the broadcast of an exclusive interview for Radio Suisse Romande, (Switzerland and Internet). The interview by ‘Tonalités de Femmes’ featured Frederique Lefevre, on the subject of Urbanism.
On this Monday, we saw a 52% increase, in total web activity and web hits, compared to the first launch.

Thanks very much for your participation and enthusiasm, and especially your desire to share the website with your friends.

Today we welcome a new “Outstanding Woman” Sabine, I will not tell you more about her, I will let you discover her through her video.

See you soon.
Sonia Johnson.

9 responses to “3 Days after TdF’s Launch”

  1. Bibian on 11/03/2010 at 15:27 Bibian

    Nice and beautiful your website! To much information to read everything in a quick look… But, i’m going to visit it regularly to see all of your nice developments.

  2. Jenny on 11/03/2010 at 19:28 Jenny

    Congratulations on your website! I think it looks great – what a lovely thing you’ve created! And you’ve got lots of content and feedback on the site already!

  3. FCK on 14/03/2010 at 00:43 FCK

    Bravo pour le chemin parcouru et l’oeuvre accomplie

    Il n’y a pas de hasard et ça n’est que justice…


  4. AZIZA on 15/03/2010 at 10:06 AZIZA

    Lors mes recherches sur internet,Je suis tombée sur ce site et m’a beaucoup intéressé. En fait mon objectif était de mener un travail de recherche purement académique et c’était un travail sur ”la santé des femmes en milieu carcéral”.Toutes mes félicitations pour ce projet! Dévorée d’envie de découvrir sur interview vidéo la star louable du projet, je fais appel à toutes les femmes du monde pour solliciter Sonia Johnson à être elle même l’invitée spéciale de ”Tonalités de Femmes”. J’affirme sans hésiter qu’elle est une femme d’exception du premier rang. Bravo et bonne continuation!

  5. Naomi on 25/03/2010 at 11:08 Naomi

    Wow – what a fantastic site! Well done Sonia. It’s a great concept, well executed and perfectly timed!

    I was at the Walpole Marketing Director’s dinner on International Women’s Day and ironically it was the older man seated to my left that brought the fact up – rather than the younger woman on my right. Is this a sign of the times? What was refreshing was that the majority of the Marketing/PR Director’s (from top & upcoming British luxury brands) were women. Ironically 2 of the 3 speakers were men! I have watched a few of your videos and have laughed and cried, I have been touched by the clarity and lucidity when discussing such emotional and uplifting subjects. Congratulations to all that brought this together.

  6. Sandrissa on 6/04/2010 at 19:45 Sandrissa

    Les femmes… un sujet infini elles sont magnifiques, courageuses, ambitieuses, émouvantes, pleines de ressources – tu as un beau regard Sonia sur ces femmes mais surtout tu en fais partie, merci pour ces moments délicieux que je partage avec elles.

  7. Nath on 22/04/2010 at 20:05 Nath

    From India -Great idea for a website- but how do you turn off the bloody music???

  8. TdF on 22/04/2010 at 20:13 TdF

    Hi Nath,
    You should also have a pop up (like a second window) that is open at the same time. It should allows you to stop the music (On/Off).
    Maybe your pops ups are blocked, then you have to ‘allow pops ups from this web site’, usually up/right on your screen. A little message should give you the choice.
    Please feel free to come back to us if you need! Sonia.

  9. Mo on 9/07/2010 at 08:25 Mo

    Very interesting web site

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