Jeanne is THE woman of ‘Tonalités de Femmes’. The one who transforms each event into an experience and each experience into a deep moment of happiness. Attracting people like a magnet, her smile, her love and her ability to share make her unique and valuable to those who accompany her every day.
- NAME: Jeanne
- Who is Jeanne?
- Jeanne is a single 67 years French woman, living alone in a Parisian cosy apartment; surrounded by her children, friends and family circle. A retired professional high school teacher, she is open to the world, dynamic, close to people and each moment of her life is a little spark of positive energy.
- Why is she an inspiration?
- Jeanne is THE woman of ‘Tonalités de Femmes’. The one who transforms each event into an experience and each experience into a deep moment of happiness. Attracting people like a magnet, her smile, her love and her ability to share make her unique and valuable to those who accompany her every day.
- Which subjects are you going to tackle?
- Jeanne is now in a delicate phase of life for some women but so exciting for her. Her gamble to enjoy her retirement is successful and she will try to share with us the journey of her life and the magic that inhabits her.
Quelle femme rayonnante ! Mme Baudu me donne beaucoup d’espoir, à moi qui appréhende la retraite.
J’ai été frappée par sa capacité à exprimer tous ses chemins de vie comme s’ils étaient un feu d’artifice. Cela me questionne, “pourquoi ne changerais-je pas moi aussi, l’appréhension des évènements en chassant le négatif et en y cherchant le positif ?” Peut-être arriverai-je ainsi en aussi bonne forme que Jeanne à la retraite.
En tous cas, merci beaucoup pour ce témoignage réconfortant.
Jeanne Baudu c’est La Classe incarnée ! Je l’écoute avec beaucoup d’émotions, c’est une battante et son message est tellement positif !! Que du bonheur! Chapeau bas !
This is so inspiring, because Jeanne is right. We have to follow our dreams, as used up as this phrase may be. Although it was often hard for her to stick to her plans for life, she did it and with such a positive attitude! Really cool!