What Women should know? Style and Elegance

– The Style dilemma – Ugg boots shorts and sunglasses.

Please wait for the style tips. Do not ‘do’ this look!!! It is a style no no!!

You have to learn, to ‘rule fashion’; don’t let fashion ‘rule’ you!!
There are moments when you can feel that you need guidance. Don’t be afraid to ask. Better take advice than chance a potentially ‘Mr. Right’ finding opportunity with you in your fashion ‘faux pas’!

Please note……

When we are in summer, feel like summer, and when we are in winter feel like winter!! Do not combine your winter favorites with a summer attitude!

It is so schizophrenic! Tell us: are you in summer or winter?? How will you know? Simple!!!

Sunglasses are summer? Yes!

Shorts are summer? Yes!

Light chiffon blouse is summer? Yes!

Sun is in the sky?? Just a simple Yes or No?

If the answer is no then go back home / bedroom and CHANGE!!

Do not add your Ugg boots and a coat and pretend that you are pouting with some kind of celebrity cool!
If the sun is here then it is only necessary to add Flip flops or other summer essential footwear.
Trust me celebrity cool is only to get them in the newspapers and to highlight how ridiculous they look.


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